Work Process and Expected Results

     Work Process

The project timeline will follow the activities that have been organized by all partners:

We will be flexible, since the Covid-19 situation in countries involved can be different and can affect education and the project as well.

-December 2020-January 2021: Introduction of participants, Students meet other students, Interaction with targeted actions based on aims; 1st aim Recognition-expression-acceptance of emotions, warm up with music.

-February 2021: 2nd aim Emotion Management.

-March 2021: 3rd aim Empathy, Final presentations.

    Expected Results

The expected outcomes of this project will benefit all the stakeholders as they will:

-Get informed about music and emotions

-Identify, understand and express emotions

-Gain self-confidence and peace of mind

-Manage unpleasant situations and develop empathy for effective communication

-Change behavior; become more effective listeners, speakers and active citizens.

-Develop more their auditory ability expressed through their voice, instruments but also composition

-Play, sing, create music pieces enjoying good music

-Value their musical heritage and others country's musical tradition

-Connect music with other objects e.g. dance, theater, language

-Cultivate imagination through musical experiences

-Appreciate music education as a factor of a balanced personality
